- Marc Jaffré, 'Elite Suspicion and Transitional Justice: The Re-ignition of Religious War under Louis XIII', University of the Highlands, 18 April 2024.
- David van der Linden, 'Transitional Justice during the French Wars of Religion', SCSC annual conference, Baltimore, 26 October 2023.
- Sherilyn Bouyer, 'Trial and Error: Transitional Justice in the Bipartisan Courts', SCSC annual conference, Baltimore, 26 October 2023.
- Rosanne Baars, 'Arbiters of Peace: Royal Peace Commissioners and Local Transitional Justice in Early Modern France', SCSC annual conference, Baltimore 23 October 2023.
- David van der Linden, 'Hoe moet een maatschappij verder na burgeroorlog en mensenrechtenschendingen?', De Nacht van BNN/Vara, NPO Radio 1, 11 July 2023.
- Rosanne Baars, 'Curtailing the Freedom of the Huguenots: Protestant Government Officials between Crown and Co-Religionists, 1660–1685', SSFH annual conference, Liverpool, 1 July 2023.
- Sherilyn Bouyer, 'Murder in Saverdun: Evaluating the Successes and Failures of the Chambre de l’édit of Languedoc in 1666', SSFH annual conference, Liverpool, 1 July 2023.
- David van der Linden, 'Reparations for a Massacre: Transitional Justice in the French Wars of Religion', SSFH annual conference, Liverpool, 1 July 2023.
- Sherilyn Bouyer, 'The View from the Past: The Early Modern French Bipartisan Courts as a Historical Transitional Justice Case Study', Workshop The Past, Present, and Future of Transitional Justice, ISS The Hague, 22 June 2023.
- David van der Linden, 'Un passé inoubliable: L'héritage des guerres de religion au XVIIe siècle', Sorbonne Université Paris, 23 January 2023.
- Rosanne Baars and David van der Linden, 'Qui étaient les commissaires? La noblesse protestante comme agent de paix sous l’édit de Nantes', Conference Etre noble et protestant sous le régime de l'édit de Nantes, Université du Mans, 28 November 2022.
- David van der Linden, 'Réparations pour un massacre: La justice transitionnelle pendant les guerres de religion', Conference Juger l’ordinaire en temps extraordinaire: La justice civile face à la guerre, Sorbonne Université Paris, 7 October 2022.
- David van der Linden, 'Building Peace: Transitional Justice after the French Wars of Religion', University of Tübingen, 9 November 2020.
- David van der Linden, 'The Legacy of War: Transitional Justice in Early Modern France', University of Oxford, 28 November 2018.